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TAES has assisted different organisations and individual researchers/academics in the region: from UN agencies and international NGOs to government, national organisations, community enterprises and universities.

TAES is recommended by Australian government aid programs and regional publishing houses.


The Tropical Permaculture Guidebook

TAES not only did a thorough job editing our text for grammar, language and consistency but went above and beyond the remit to add another layer of technical editing and fact checking. All the input was invaluable to improving and strengthening the final result and showed real dedication and commitment to our guidebook project. This work was especially important as we required clear and easy-to-understand text for our many ESL readers and for translations into multiple languages.

Lachlan McKenzie

Savu: History and Oral Tradition on an Island in Indonesia

TAES is superb, reliable and thorough, and especially outstanding when correcting texts from non-English speakers.

Savu is a complex 600-paged work with sources in different languages, lots of names and references, and many tables and appendices. TAES has successfully improved the text and paid meticulous attention to its clarity, and a strong knowledge of Southeast Asian societies has contributed to the good outcome.

Genevieve Duggan and Hans Hagerdal

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The Promise of Prosperity: Visions of the Future in Timor-Leste

Promise is an edited volume. TAES understood the requirements of working with different authors from various disciplinary backgrounds. Proficient, effective and responsive, TAES applied regional, cultural and linguistic knowledge to catch mistakes and choose appropriate formulations, ideal for publications about Timor-Leste and Southeast Asia.

Judith Bovensiepen

Sovereign Women in a Muslim Kingdom: The Sultanahs of Aceh from 1641-1699

I was very fortunate to have TAES edit my book. The work done was professional, thorough and dedicated. TAES did not only edit; it shared my passion and interest, making the journey to publication much more meaningful.

Sher Banu AL Khan

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